
Rose Garden🌹

Luas Rieko Red

Air_Soubi (rose)_red_CM*

little bones. Camila - The Blondie 
*:..Silvery K..:*RoseChoker(Red)
Phedora ~ Essie Leg Straps ( 35 colors ) 
[CX] Aeshma's Reign (Black)
[CX] Salient Talons - Silver
Glam Affair - Klea - Catwa Mesh Head Applier - India

Poseidon Flight Complete 13 - 18(15) 


Slip of paper telling fortune

[NM] - Angelic - Principalities - Female 
Twisted Hunt

[DUE] Nightmare, Blair // HUD D
=Zenith=spring school uniforms (Black) -Maitreya
=Zenith=leather school bag (all color) Group Gift
-RC- Classic Notebooks - All 8 Colors [Boxed]
[POUT!] Horror Eye collection- CATWA Eye Applier
 [CX] Cerberus' After Meal Fangs (Bento) 
[CX] Cerberus' Diseased Claws ( Bento )
Izzie's - Face & Body Blood & Wounds

[MSW] Japanese House 01
{anc} mist cloud [Heavenlyblue] 


I’m stuffed🍖

=Zenith=2018 Chinese New Year Group Gift

**SD**Kya Black Thigh high boots BSM 
SL frees & offers Gift

Clawtooth: La Bella Donna Prize 16 (REZ AND OPEN) RARE
GizzA - Pearl Necklace
(Yummy) Dark Magic Ring Set (Maitreya) 
{S0NG} Fluffy Lipstick - Catwa Applier

D-LAB SP3-01-SKY food town-base RARE
D-LAB SP3-05-SKY food town-food court set
D-LAB SP3-03-SKY food town- sign set
 D-LAB SP3-06-SKY food town-shop01-syouronpou
D-LAB SP3-09-SKY food town-shop04-kaiko
D-LAB SP3-15-SKY food town-shop10-nikomi
15 {anc} NO LIMITS.ground doves [choco-brown]